Planning of of the transmission line and substation poject of PLN

Development of the transmission line and substation PLN generally directed towards the achievement of a balance between generating capacity in the upstream and downstream sides of the power demand efficiently meet certain reliability criteria. Besides, the development of the transmission line is also intended as an attempt to overcome the bottleneck of the distribution, repair services and flexibility of operation voltage.

Transmission project is basically carried out by PLN, unless some transmission associated with the plant's corresponding IPP's PPA contracts implemented by IPP developers and transmission projects related to other business areas. However, an open option for the transmission project can also be carried out by the private sector with a particular business schemes, for example, build lease-transfer (BLT), power wheeling. Power wheeling aims, among others, for the assets of the transmission and distribution network as one of the nation's assets can be utilized optimally, increased utilization of transmission or distribution network as one form of efficiency on a national scope, speed up additional national generating capacity to support the growth of the national economy. The options are opened on the basis of the limited ability of investment funding and consideration of PLN private companies can be more flexible in terms of the licenses.

In line with the development policy for the generation of electric energy transfer of territory that has a high primary energy source to another area which has limited primary energy source, the system Sumatran currently booming require major interconnection network (backbone) is strong given the geographical distance very wide. As a result of these policies, PLN planned construction of interconnection networks with a voltage of 275 kV AC at an early stage in the corridor of West Sumatra, while a voltage of 500 kV AC planned in East corridor Sumatra.

Development of interconnection point-to-point distance, through the sea and large capacity power transmission technologies require direct current (HVDC). PLN Policy in choosing HVDC transmission voltage is because the voltage is adopted widely in other countries, namely 500 kV DC.
Likewise for the conditions in Sulawesi, where lies the largest hydro primary energy sources located around the border of South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and West Sulawesi with very distant load centers are in Makassar and Southeast Sulawesi. The plan several large capacity hydroelectric project on the site, will be built 275 kV transmission lines to deliver power from some hydroelectric power to the load center in Makassar and Southeast Sulawesi.

Transmission planning requires a longer preparation considering the needs of ground covers a wide area. Given the many obstacles in the process of land acquisition and transmission functions as a super infrastructure of the electric power system transmission capacity planning framework should see a longer time period than RUPTL, which is about 30 years.

On the network that supplies the capital of the state planned looping between sub-systems with separate operating pattern to improve the reliability of supply. In the transmission line which does not meet the criteria of reliability N-1 will be implemented reconductoring and uprating. Transmission network expansion of existing grid to reach the isolated system which is still served diesel fuel (grid extension) implemented by considering the economic and technical aspects.

Determining the location of GI done by considering the economic cost of the construction of high voltage transmission system facilities, the cost of land acquisition, the cost of construction of the facility and the medium-voltage distribution system must be agreed upon by the management unit distribution system and transmission system management unit.

Selection of technologies such as the type of transmission towers, the use of the pole, duct type (airways, underground cables, submarine cables) and equipment (breakers, measurement and protection) to consider the economic aspects of the long-term, and the achievement level of service quality better, to meet the standards national (SNI, SPLN) or applicable international standards.

More detailed policies regarding the development of transmission and substation are as follows:

The use of 500 kV cable technology in the capital of the province in Java - Bali
Each district capital of unserved high voltage network planned new GI-GI. Planning new GI-GI is still considering the technical and economic feasibility.
Increased power transformer unit size (150/20 kV) to a maximum of 100 MVA to the New GI in the dense and difficult to get the location of the GI
The number of units that can be mounted transformer at a substation is limited by the availability of land, the transmission capacity and the number of feeders (feeder) come out that can be accommodated by the GI. With these criteria a GI can have 3 or more units of the transformer. A new GI GI-GI is required if there are not nearby can accommodate load growth again because of these limitations. Development of the new GI is also intended to get a good voltage at the end of the medium voltage network.

Power transformer (TT / TM) is basically planned to have a capacity of up to 60 MVA.
IBT GITET transformer (500/150 kV and 275/150 kV) can be mounted up to 4 units per GITET.
Spare IBT 1 phase transformer is provided per location for GITET types of GIS, and one phase per type per province for GITET conventional types.

Construction of substations with a minimalist design can be implemented to provide electricity to the electricity needs of the community in the long term is expected to grow slowly.
To improve services and anticipate the needs of the greater power in districts scattered and have not served from the high voltage network, in RUPTL there are plans to build a new GI-GI in some districts. Planning new GI-GI is still considering the technical and economic feasibility.

Source: Translated from 2015-2024 PLN RUPTL
